Monday, May 26, 2014

It's Almost June?

First of all, Happy Memorial Day to everyone!  Thank you to all that have served and are serving!

dwarf greek myrtle bloom
I can't believe it is almost June.  Where does the time go??? 
 I have not had a lot of time to post so I thought I would post a few pics of things I have snapped lately that I thought were pretty.  Hope you enjoy!!!  
greggs mistflower
 The bees have been busy - they seem to love the Greggs Mistflower.  The butterflies do as well, but the bees have been all over it!
Texas Betony
The hummingbirds never disappoint.  They have been quite content all week with the Texas Betony.  
 Mexican Flame Vine
 The Mexican Flame Vine is bursting with blooms.  
I have always loved this vine- such bright happy flowers.
Vivero Growers Nursery
The hummingbirds are all over the place this week and I for one couldn't be happier.  Speaking of birds at the nursery…..  this little girl showed up the other day.  She was so sweet.  She must have been lost, she just appeared and walked around and hung out all day but was not there the next.  Hope she made it home.
Vivero Growers Nursery
Looks like Austin is going to get some rain this week- woo hoo!!!!!
Hope everyone has/had a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend!


  1. Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Your hummingbird pictures are fantastic. I can never get them to stay still long enough to get a pic, ha! I've always wanted to purchase a Mexican Flame Vine plant and your photo encourages me even more. Strange how the female Peacock just showed up. She sure is pretty:)

  2. Ha- thanks! They zip around so fast it is crazy!!! I was out there today and one was so close I could have touched it! Course I had my long lens….. so no photo!!! I know - she just appeared but wasn't there the next day. She was so sweet.

  3. How funny to get a peacock visitor! The hummingbirds are loving our azaleas. Happy spring!
