Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Look Who Came Out To Play!

 Look who came out to play today!!!
And he had friends!  There were 5 caterpillars in all climbing all over the milkweed.  I had so much fun taking their photos.
 They were all over the place- what easy subjects!
I found this little guy hiding in the middle.
 I tried out my new lens my sweet husband got me, though I am not sure I am using it right.  Took me a while to get the hang of it but I got it working in the end I think.
 This little guy was very animated and kept catching my eye.
 Then there was this one, that was in search of a leaf, by the time I left he'd found one.
 Yes, that is my foot in the background.

 Had so much fun watching them and taking their photos.  Spring is here!!!!


  1. Very exciting! I just planted some Milkweed and I'm just waiting for the butterflies to find it:)

    1. They will- I don't know how they know but they do. Ours had been there a week and all of the sudden, there the caterpillars were! I have seen the Monarchs flying around but they have not gone there that I have seen. Hope yours get some butterflies soon!

  2. So fun! Great shots! Just planted a milkweed today and am hoping for some caterpillars soon!

    1. Thanks! You will get them soon- we planted that one about a week ago and Michael spotted one and told me and I went out there with the camera and realized there were 5! Been chasing the hummers today- quick little suckers! Haven't gotten a shot yet but I will.

  3. Looks like you used that lens just right. Great shots.

    Those are pretty caterpillars.

    1. Thanks! It took a while to get it to work... but I was happy with the end results. Aren't they so interesting? Really neat to sit and watch them.

  4. Oh, my milkweed seeds! This post reminded me that I have a handful. Somewhere. Very nice that you have such a colorful visitor.

    1. Hopefully you will get some visitors soon- they are really neat little guys.

  5. Lovely things! I don't have any caterpillars like that one.

    By the way, I was very excited to see your segment on CTG! Congrats!
