The rain has been wonderful- just wonderful. Everything is rejoicing in the rain!!
The Texas Sage are blooming all over town- it is a wonderful sight.
The Cactus have been very showy this year- not sure if it is due to the rain or just a coincidence but I am happy either way.
The 'Soft Caress' Mahonia are beginning to bloom.
I love the contrast of the deep green and the bright yellow.
One of my favorite combos lately is the brightness of the Damianita and the neon purple of the Homestead Verbena.
The Thryallis are blooming as well- a lot of yellow I am noticing in this post.....
The Clerodendrum 'Blue Butterfly' are blooming as well- I think this is such an unusual flower.
And last but not least, the Large Cigar Plant- I love this little Cuphea. There are so many, but I have always loved this one best. it looks like candy corn to me.
Hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend.